Monday 9 October 2023

EM-Tirupati Codeathon Series #02


Algorithms/Data Structures — [Problem Solving]

An Institutional Broker wants to Review their Book of Customers to see which are Most Active. Given a List of Trades By “Customer Name, Determine which Customers Account for At Least 5% of the Total Number of Trades. Order the List Alphabetically Ascending By Name.”


n = 23

“Customers = {“Big Corp”, “Big Corp”, ”Acme”, “Big Corp”, “Zork” ,”Zork” ,”Abe”, “Big Corp”, “Acme”, “Big Corp” ,”Big Corp”, “Zork”, “Big Corp”, “Zork”, “Zork”, “Big Corp”,” Acme”, ”Big Corp”, “Acme”, “Big Corp”, “Acme”, “Little Corp”, “Nadir Corp”}

“Big Corp had 10 Trades out of 23, which is 43.48% of the Total Trades.”

“Both Acme and Zork had 5 trades, which is 21.74% of the Total Trades.”

“The Little Corp, Nadir Corp and Abe had 1 Trade Each, which is 4.35%…”

“So the Answer is [“”Acme””, “” Big Corp ,””Zork””] (In Alphabetical Order) Because only These Three Companies Placed at least 5% of the Trades.

Function Description

Complete the function most ACTIVE in the Editor Below.

most ACTIVE has the following parameter:

String customers[n]: An Array Customers Names

(Actual Questions Says String Array, But Signatures is List of Strings)

Returns String[] : An Alphabetically Ascending Array


• 1 < n < 10⁵

• 1 < Length of customers[] < 20

• The First Character of customers[i] is a Capital English letter.

• All Characters of customers[i] except for the First One are Lowercase.

• Guaranteed that At least One Customer makes at least 5% of Trades.

[Sample Input]

“The First Line contains an integer, n, The Number of Elements in customers.”

“Each Line of the n Subsequent Lines (where 0 s i< n) contains a string, customers[i].”

Sample Case 0 Input For Custom Testing


Omega Alpha Omega Alpha Omega Alpha Omega Alpha Omega Alpha Omega Alpha Omega Alpha Omega Alpha Omega Alpha Omega Beta

Function most ACTIVE

customers[] size n = 20

customers[] = [As Provided Above]

[Sample Output]




[Explanation of Solution]

In this problem  Alpha made 10 Trades out of 20 (50% of the Total), Omega made 9 Trades (45% of the Total). and Beta made 1 Trade (5% of the Total).All of them have met the 5% Threshold, so all the Strings are Returned in an Alphabetically Ordered Array.

Github Repo for Code:

[Solution (Java Code)]

package codeathon;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Arrays;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Codeathon02_vijay{

    public static List<String> mostActive(String[] customers) {

        List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();

        int totalTrades = customers.length;

        int threshold = (int) (0.05 * totalTrades);

        // Sort the array of customers


        int currentCount = 1;

        for (int i = 1; i < totalTrades; i++) {

            if (customers[i].equals(customers[i - 1])) {


            } else {

                if (currentCount >= threshold) {

                    result.add(customers[i - 1]);


                currentCount = 1;



        // Check the last customer

        if (currentCount >= threshold) {

            result.add(customers[totalTrades - 1]);


        return result;


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

        System.out.println("Enter the number of trades:");

        int numTrades = scanner.nextInt();


        if (numTrades <= 0) {

            System.out.println("Please enter trades must be greater than zero.");

            return; // Exit the program if numTrades is not valid.


        String[] customers = new String[numTrades];

        System.out.println("Enter the names of customers (one on each line):");

        for (int i = 0; i < numTrades; i++) {

            customers[i] = scanner.nextLine();



        List<String> activeCustomers = mostActive(customers);

        if (activeCustomers.isEmpty()) {

            System.out.println("No active customers found.");


        else {

            for (String customer : activeCustomers) {






Thank you,


Enterprise Minds.


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